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Latest News

Latest News from Harlington Lower School

Page 12

  • Sharing Christmas Joy with the Community

    Published 09/01/17

    Year 4 gift delivery and carolling

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  • Christmas Concerts

    Published 09/01/17

    Robin's Christmas Sing-Along and Completing the Crib

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  • Christmas Fayre

    Published 09/01/17
    First sightings of Santa!
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  • Sing Out, Play Out

    Published 09/01/17

    Well done to all the children who took part

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  • Faith Tour Bedford

    Published 09/01/17

    Children visited a Church, Gurdwara and Mosque

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  • Music Assembly and Recorder Recital

    Published 09/01/17

    Well done to all the children who took part

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  • Children in Need

    Published 18/11/16


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  • Magic Show

    Published 18/11/16

    Say the magic words!

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  • Summer Concert

    Published 18/07/16

    Rowan and Beech classes performed 'Robin Hood'

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  • Brighton

    Published 18/07/16

    Beech class school trip

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  • MK Museum

    Published 18/07/16
    Chestnut and Hawthorn classes school trip
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  • Sports Day

    Published 08/07/16

    Congratulations to everyone who took part in Sports Day

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